..We have entered a new week, and february is almost et an end. Here in culture? I have the great pleasure of introducing the very talented Michael Howard. Michael`s work is very modern, it has lots of great consepts and it is very well made. Michael is telling us a little bit about himself and his art today, so happy looking and happy reading...
..Here it is, your shot of art with Michael Howard:
My name is Michael Howard, 22 years old living in the UK. Studying Illustration with animation at Manchester Metropolitan University.
-What inspired you to start being creative?
Trying to understand the world I guess. Recording anything and everything to try and understand how they function. Start seems like such a harsh word, without trying to make it sound like a generic ideology, it's more of a growth than a start or stop.
Is making art your fulltime job, and if not, what else do you do?
My time is split between a fair few things, working, studying just like anyone else. A lot of my work is done as a spur of the moment, just when the crave or idea arrives. So it takes priority you could say. Everything else can wait.
Have you gone to art school, if yes where did you go and what did you study?
As I said earlier I'm studying at MMU as for prior to that I studied Graphic Design and Illustration at Carmel College which is a fantastic institution.
Where do you find inspiration?
The complexities of people you could say. People are a lot more interesting than myself, I'm just lucky that they let me observe and listen.
Do you have a favorite artist and if so who and why?What I love about what I do is that I'm constantly being impressed and inspired. The work people are producing now and creating now. Artists like Mina Milk, M.Lewandowski and Guim Tio spring to mind.
-Where can my readers see you`re work?You can see my work at my flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/est88/ For the more interactive I also have a tumblr - http://nvm88.tumblr.com/
culture? Michael Howard!