My name is Alexandra (shorter Sasha) Muravey.I am more than 24 years and I live in Russia.
-What inspired you to start being creative?
It's in my nature - drawing, create, make something. But drawing first of all, I have done that all my life. Swear, all my life. Who know what force kicked me and made me an artist. My mother brought me to paint studio when i was 4 years old. Since then I just could not stop.
-Is making art your fulltime job, and if not, what else do you do?
Different times I tried to be an illustrator and a graphic designer, but not very sucsessful. Now (you would be surprised) I work in a cafe. As to self-determination, I feel myself more artist than illustrator or designer or whatever.
-Have you gone to art school, if yes where did you go and what did you study?
Last year went in Higher Academic School of Graphic Design in Moscow. And I already said I studied in free paint studio during schooltime.
-Where do you find inspiration?
Everywhere. Forms, characters, situations, emotions - that gives me impulse. In a majority, my drawings is not sensible, not conceptual. Just feelings, just moods of moments.
-Do you have a favorite artist and if so who and why?
I havent. Too much good artists. Furthermore I can't say I like some artist for their social position or some consistent activity in art area. Only their works. I love works of masters from Northern Renaissanc to Japanese painting. Something like this.
-Where can my readers see you`re work?
The best way is my flickr:
LOVE the drawing with the horse! Great post.