Tuesday 21 December 2010

Culture? introducing Bill Carman...

..Today we have Bill Carman as our feature. Bill has theese great drawings and paintings that are full of imagination, creativity and wonderful compositions. I am looking forward to follow Bill`s blog, and keep track of his work, and before you do the same Bill is telling all you readers of Culture? some toughts around his work. So here it is folks, your daily shot at art with Bill Carman:

-Can you tell the readers a little bit about yourself, name, what country you live in, age etc?
My name is Bill Carman. I am 127. I live in Boise, Idaho, USA. I read, I hike, I fish, and I walk my two pugs one mini wiener dog and large python.

-What inspired you to start being creative?
Actually I guess I was a lucky one who never stopped being creative. Most of us grow up and lose that all too important quality. Or we replace it with something dreadful.
-Is making art your fulltime job, and if not, what else do you do?
Yes, but I also teach at a university.

-Have you gone to art school, if yes where did you go and what did you study?

-Where do you find inspiration?

-Do you have a favorite artist and if so who and why?
Can I tell you about favorites. They are impossible for me to have. Favorite is an absolute and on any given day it can be different for me. My kids used to ask me my favorite color until my response would always be, "Well what color is it next to?", or "For what." So with that silliness aside I can list a few artists, but by no means a comprehensive list,  who have really made an impact on me. Van Eyck, Breughel, Bosch, Durer, Klee, Nerdrum, Dave McKean, Ian Miller, Patrick Woodruff, Edward Gorey, Crumb, Joe Coleman, Al Cober, Brad Holland, John Cuneo, James Christensen, Ralph Steadman, Renee French, James Jean, Mark Ryden, Sam Weber, Eric Fortune, Gennady Spirin, Peter Sis, Nicoletta Ciccoli, Petar Meseldzija, Dugins, want me to stop? I could go on for pages.

-Where can my readers see you`re work?
Not art school but I did study at Brigham Young University.

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